Barcode labels
Barcode labels should be considered when shipping goods. Barcode is a series of lines with different widths and blank spaces. It was developed by the U.S. C&C chain Walmart to establish a uniform and comprehensible way to exchange data with the suppliers..
Barcode label print on a variety of materials according to specific customer requirements, such as plain paper, PP film, or a luminescent metallic paper. The adhesive on the labels can be permanent or removable. In order to ensure readability wholly electronically coded information ensures a clean and sharp image lines and stripes. Printed label with barcode and labels with EAN codes are supplied as complete labels in rolls with consecutive numbers that are immediately ready for labeling packaging products. With high-quality digital printing, personalization of each individual labels a breeze. Labels of PP films can be subsequently printed in the appropriate thermal transfer printers. Labels with QR code (QR = Quick Response ) form different ordered the black and white squares that after reading through smartphone provides a comprehensive, electronically stored information. The number of information far exceeds the amount of data to label with barcode. QR code can easily be printed by all conventional printing methods. As with the bar code is of course also important here as high contrast, ideally black on white. Depending on how the reader can be used in imaging and inversion or code can be printed in color. Regarding the display size is limited only QR code reader capability and full frame image capture differently. The only QR code is no longer able to cover the hoarding and the entire facades. Many mobile phones and tablet PCs have built-in camera and software that allows you to read labels with QR code. Phone numbers, e - mail, contact or SMS addresses : These are just some examples of information that may include labels with QR code. In addition to its original purpose, for use in the production logistics are labels with QR code application in many other areas : for example, a mobile business card. Increasingly, they are also used in advertising, because with their help can quickly produce additional information, for example, product videos or web pages with winning competitions, or connect directly with the portal App Store, where you can download programs.
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Offer - Digital print | |
Base net price | 347,01 € |
Total net
347,01 €
VAT 19% DE
Information for companies that are entitled to deduct input tax outside Germany:
If you enter your EU VAT number during the ordering process, the VAT rate is 0%. Otherwise the German sales tax of 19% will apply. |
65,93 € |
Total incl. VAT | 412,94 € |